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11 juin 2015 – 1 h 30 min

Dans son blog, Café avec les Devs, Blizzard annonce le vol possible en Draenor au patch 6.2.x, cependant, il faudra le mériter…

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Accueil » Actualités, Patch 4.2

Patch 4.2: mise à jour du 13 juin

Soumis par sur 14 juin 2011 – 11 h 09 min
Blizzard vient une nouvelle fois de mettre à jour le patch 4.2 sur les serveurs de test. En voici les principaux changements (en anglais).


  • General Class Bug Fixes
    • Players should no longer incorrectly receive a message stating they interrupted a spell cast when they did not.
    • Actions bars will no longer briefly disappear when characters that have a stance bar enter a vehicle.


  • Conquest & Honor Points
    • All existing Conquest Points in the Currency tab have been converted to Honor Points. Any points above the Honor Point cap must be spent within the next week before Season 10 starts. Once Season 10 begins, all Honor Points exceeding the 4,000 point cap will be converted into gold at a rate of 35 per point and mailed to characters.

Donjons & Raids

The Bastion of Twilight

Donjon & Raid Bug Fixes


  • Applicable tier 11 items now cost Justice Points.
  • PvP Items & Rewards
    • Applicable Season 9 items now cost Honor Points.

Quêtes & Créatures

  • Creatures will now display smooth energy regeneration for players.


  • The Interface Options screens have changed size to match the Video and Audio screens. This allows for a larger Compact Unit Frames Profiles panel.


  • The Blizzard Launcher now utilizes Universal Plug and Play for port configuration. If your router supports UPnP it will automatically open the ports that it requires and your downloads will be unrestricted.

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